Camel City Indoor Mile Set for February 1, 2014

2nd edition part of Hilton Garden Innvitational; more than $4000 in potential prize money for professionals
WINSTON‐SALEM, N.C. – The second Camel City Indoor Mile will be contested on Saturday, February 1, 2014 within the Hilton Garden Innvitational. In 2013 at the Bring Back the Mile Tour event, three Milers went under the magical 4 minute barrier, led by Cory Leslie’s 3:57.81, the facility’s first ever and a North Carolina State indoor record.
JDL Fast Track has set aside more than $4000 in potential prize money to professionals for this event. Additionally, JDL Fast Track has additional funds available to set up hotel and airfare reservations for select individuals.
The field will be comprised of 5‐6 professionals and 5‐6 collegians. Preference will be given to collegians from the region. With the new NCAA flat track conversions, the collegians entered in the race should have a great chance to qualify for NCAA Indoor Track & Field championships. JDL Fast Track will also be supplying a rabbit to ensure the race is “honest”. The rabbit will have the option of finishing the race.
Cash prizes will be available if the winning time is faster than 4:05.00. If this occurs, the prize breakdown will be as follows:
1st Place Professional ($1500)
2nd Place Professional ($750)
3rd Place Professional ($375)
Additional time bonuses of $500 will be paid to any of the top three professionals who break 4 minutes.
Elite athletes or college coaches wishing to place their athletes in this event should contact Craig Longhurst via email at or via phone at (336) 722‐2033.