Mile News

HS Boys Athlete of the Year: Hobbs Kessler

October 20, 2021

Prep indoor Mile and outdoor 1500m record setter and Olympic Trials qualifier: "I could have run a lot faster than I did, but I’m not super worried about that. Who really cares about high school PRs? I would rather not have them represent me.”

By Jeff Hollobaugh, Track & Field News

Really, no...

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Dixon Hemphill, 96, Completes Navy Mile on Navy’s 264th Birthday

October 15, 2021

“It’s never too late to start running.”

From The Navy Mile

United States Navy World War II Veteran, Dixon Hemphill, completed the 7th The Navy Mile on Wednesday, October 13th in honor of the Navy’s 264th birthday.

Hemphill, 96, referred to himself as a “Navy man” and was happy to be...

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Mary Cain sues former coach Alberto Salazar, Nike over alleged abuse

October 11, 2021

“Companies are responsible for the behavior of their managers, Nike’s job was to ensure that Salazar was not neglecting and abusing the athletes he coached.”

By Jeff Manning, The Oregonian / OregonLive

Mary Cain, the promising distance runner whose career fizzled after what she has described...

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Sir Roger Bannister honored with memorial stone

October 02, 2021

The diamond-shaped memorial, made of Blue Purbeck marble is close to the graves of Sir Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin and Professor Stephen Hawking.

From Westminster Abbey

A memorial stone to Sir Roger Bannister CH CBE was dedicated in Westminster Abbey on Tuesday, September 28, 2021. Sir Roger...

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Return the Mile to prominence on the American & worldwide sports and cultural landscape by elevating and celebrating the Mile to create a movement.

Bring Back the Mile as the premier event in the sport, and increase interest in and media coverage of the Mile for both those who love the distance as well as the general public.

Bring Back the Mile to celebrate the storied distance and to recognize the people who made and make the Mile great and to promote Mile events and the next generation of U.S. Milers.

Bring Back the Mile to create a national movement for the Mile as America’s Distance,
to inspire Americans to run the Mile as part of their fitness program and to replace the 1600 meters at High School State Track & Field Meets across the country.

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