June 17, 1978
There was a lengthy pause as the three timekeepers compared their watches in order to come up with the official time, and then there was the announcement, “It has happened again!”
By Craig Masback
The quest for my first sub-4 minute Mile began on the streets of Rome and finished on Oxford’s...
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January 23, 1978
When Dick Buerkle quit teaching to sell contact lenses he also discarded come-from-behind race tactics, and after a jackrabbit start he broke the indoor Mile record!
By Anita Verschoth, Sports Illustrated
It was Friday the 13th and, naturally, Dick Buerkle's flight out of Buffalo at 12:30pm...
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August 25, 1975
He had promised to go for the Mile record, and New Zealand's John Walker delivered, smashing the old mark by 1.6 seconds!
By Kenny Moore, Sports Illustrated
As Roger Bannister had 21 years earlier, John Walker worried about the wind. He had talked the officials at the meet in Goteborg, Sweden...
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May 26, 1975
Sprinting away from a classy field in Kingston, Jamaica's Dream Mile, 21-year-old Filbert Bayi of Tanzania broke Jim Ryun's 8-year-old world record to clearly establish that he is the King of the Milers
By Ron Reid, Sports Illustrated
It was a world record performance that defied logic, a set...
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