Mile News

The Four-Minute Man, Forever

May 06, 2014

Franz Stampfl, his coach, implored him to run in a meet between Oxford and the Amateur Athletic Association: “He said to me, ‘Although the conditions are not ideal, if you don’t take this opportunity, you might not forgive yourself for the rest of your life.’ He was right.”

By Jesse Will, The...

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Roger Bannister showed us how to combine sport and everyday living

May 05, 2014

What's astonishing about Bannister's 4 minute Mile in 1954 is that he was an amateur. He even worked on the day of the race

By John Bryant, The Guardian

Things were very different 60 years ago when Roger Bannister became an icon to Britain and the empire by becoming the first to break the 4...

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In sports world, some numbers are just magic

May 05, 2014

Every sport that can be quantified has them — sub-4-minute Mile, 50 goals, 50 points, 59 strokes, 20 wins, .400 batting average, 2,000 yards rushing …

By Philip Hersh, Chicago Tribune

Sam Penzenstadler was shocked.

The Loyola University junior had just lowered his personal best by nine...

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Bannister Marks 60th Anniversary of 4 Minute Mile

May 04, 2014

"Bannister's 3:59.4 remains part of track and field lore, a symbol of boundary-busting endurance that stands the test of time."

By Stephen Wilson, Associated Press

OXFORD, England (AP) — Sixty years later, Roger Bannister is busy reliving the four minutes that still endure as a transcendent...

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Bring Back the Mile to celebrate the storied distance and to recognize the people who made and make the Mile great and to promote Mile events and the next generation of U.S. Milers.

Bring Back the Mile to create a national movement for the Mile as America’s Distance,
to inspire Americans to run the Mile as part of their fitness program and to replace the 1600 meters at High School State Track & Field Meets across the country.

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