Mile News

Remembering how Snell tore up the Tokyo track for historic Olympic double

October 21, 2020

“We were helpless. My chief memory down the final straight is of Peter’s huge legs ripping great chunks of cinders out of the track with his powerful stride.”

By Len Johnson for World Athletics

On October 21, 1964, nine men lined up for the Tokyo Olympic 1500m final. Three minutes and 38.1...

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Guided by the Spirit: David Torrence Legacy Foundation launched

October 18, 2020

In honor of her late son David, an Olympic runner, Malibuite Bianca Torrence is working to realize his dream of bringing the sport to a new generation.

By McKenzie Jackson, Special to The Malibu Times

When Bianca Torrence goes for a run, there is often an unseen force propelling her forward.

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Steve Cram at 60

October 16, 2020

The Jarrow Arrow's landmark birthday highlights his brilliant career including his historic 1985 year when he set three world records in 19 days

By Steve Smythe, Athletics Weekly

For those who remember Steve Cram as the world’s greatest teenage 1500 meter and Mile runner, it’s hard getting...

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Steve Scott One-Upped Himself at 1978 NCAAs

October 13, 2020

UC Irvine Anteater secures NCAA DI title with strong frontrunning tactics at historic Hayward Field


Steve Scott had no chance to win a fourth-straight NCAA Division II Mile / 1500 meter title in 1978.

That’s because his school, UC Irvine, had moved up to Division I.


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