Mile News

Plymouth street dedicated to Olympian Morgan Uceny

August 03, 2012

By WNDU-Channel 16

Olympic fever is in full swing in Plymouth as Mayor Mark Senter honored one of the city's own on Friday.

Senter unveiled a new street sign dedicated to Olympic 1500 meter star Morgan Uceny.

The street, now called Morgan Uceny Run, is usually known as Randolph street...

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How the Internet Helped Build Better Olympic Runners

August 03, 2012

By Jason Paur, Wired

When Jenny Simpson won the 1500 meter race at the World Championships last year, even she looked surprised. She’d surged from the back of the pack with one lap left and became the first American woman since 1983 to take the “metric Mile” title. She’ll be racing in London as...

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Simpson backs wife overseas

August 02, 2012

By Chris Geinosky, Liberty Tribune

Running has taken Jason Simpson many places in life.

His most recent journey lands him in London for the 2012 Olympic Games. That is where he’s supporting his wife Jenny (Barringer) Simpson, a two-time Olympic qualifier.

Jason, a standout athlete in his...

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The Mile Still Matters To Track & Field

August 02, 2012

By Todd Bookman, New Hampshire Public Radio

Track and field has a numbers problem. As in, there are just too many of them. The 60, 26.2, 4-by-8, 2-oh-3, 5, 8, 10K…

Back in the 1950s, there was one number that mattered.

"I think there are only a handful of achievements like breaking 4...

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Bring Back the Mile to create a national movement for the Mile as America’s Distance,
to inspire Americans to run the Mile as part of their fitness program and to replace the 1600 meters at High School State Track & Field Meets across the country.

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