Mile News

Louis Zamperini at 94, Is Still ‘Unbroken’ After All These Years

August 02, 2012

He was an Olympic athlete in Berlin where he met Hitler, a Prisoner of War of the Japanese during World War II, and is still sharing his Christian faith

By Dan Wooding, ASSIST Ministries

HOLLYWOOD HILLS, Calif. -- I have interviewed some extraordinary people in my more than 43 years as a...

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Plymouth parents explain how basketball & 4-H helped their daughter become an Olympic track star

August 02, 2012

By Angelo Di Carlo, WNDU Channel 16

As you drive passed the corn fields - in between the farms - stands one home you can't miss.

It's not because of the American flag that waves in the wind. Maybe it's the Olympic rings on the garage or the Team USA banner in the front window.

This ranch is...

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Bannister praises ‘enormous advances’ in anti-doping

August 01, 2012

It was described as the "Everest of athletics". Almost 60 years after Sir Roger Bannister broke the 4-minute Mile he talks to Channel 4 News about sporting barriers, the Olympics and doping.

By Channel 4 News

It was May 6, 1954 when a young Roger Bannister ran into the record books as the...

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Fast Genes

July 30, 2012

An Olympic medal eluded his dad in 1976. Today, Matthew Centrowitz aims to fulfill the family dream.

By John Brant, Runner's World

Several times a week, the most accomplished father-son duo in the history of middle-distance racing engages in a transcontinental telephone call, continuing a...

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