Mile News

Honoring the first sub-four minute mile, “My most memorable mile”

May 16, 2012

By Tim Layden, Sports Illustrated

As part of his quest to restore the mile run to its proper place in track and field, Running USA's Ryan Lamppa created the website (Described here by SI's David Epstein in January). Most recently, Lamppa has asked visitors to his...

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Daughter of Roger Bannister photographer recreates iconic image

May 16, 2012

The daughter of a photographer who captured Roger Bannister's four-minute Mile has recreated his iconic image.

By BBC News

OXFORD - Jenny Priscott, from Didcot, copied her father Ivan Sansom's picture when a theatre show retold the record-breaking event at Iffley Road Track, Oxford.


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Kenyan rivals highlight ‘greatest field of milers ever’ for Pre Classic

May 16, 2012

Kenyan rivals Asbel Kiprop and Silas Kiplagat will be back at Hayward Field on June 2

By Curtis Anderson, The Register-Guard

EUGENE, Ore. - The Bowerman Mile has been called the greatest race in America.

With more sub-4-minute performances than at any other U.S. invitational track and field...

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Pre Mile Classic: Rematch in Eugene

May 15, 2012

EUGENE, Ore. - (May 15, 2012) - Nobody does it better when it comes to the Mile than the Prefontaine Classic, and this year’s 38th edition will add to that with a grudge match of the two best Milers in the world.

The Pre Classic, a major stop on the road to the 2012 London Olympics, and part of...

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Return the Mile to prominence on the American & worldwide sports and cultural landscape by elevating and celebrating the Mile to create a movement.

Bring Back the Mile as the premier event in the sport, and increase interest in and media coverage of the Mile for both those who love the distance as well as the general public.

Bring Back the Mile to celebrate the storied distance and to recognize the people who made and make the Mile great and to promote Mile events and the next generation of U.S. Milers.

Bring Back the Mile to create a national movement for the Mile as America’s Distance,
to inspire Americans to run the Mile as part of their fitness program and to replace the 1600 meters at High School State Track & Field Meets across the country.

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