Mile News

Banner Week in the Record Business: Aouita & Slaney

September 02, 1985

When it came up again, there was no expression there, nothing but running animal. She held her form.

By Kenny Moore, Sport Illustrated

Morocco's Said Aouita came flailing into the stretch of the 1500 meters in West Berlin's Olympic Stadium last Friday night looking as if his teeth were going...

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A Midsummer Night’s Dream Mile

August 05, 1985

And here was all this power, suddenly, as if he had just joined the race... In the stretch he appeared taller than in earlier laps, expanding in the imagination.

By Kenny Moore, Sports Illustrated

Sebastian Coe turned into the last backstretch of the Dream Mile at the Bislett Games in Oslo in...

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She Runs and We Are Lifted

December 26, 1983

Mary Decker is moved by a competitive yearning that rises from so deep in her character that it connects with her will to be loved.

By Kenny Moore, Sports Illustrated

What a glorious conceit it is to pick a Sportsman of the Year. Can anyone really study the ranks of different champions and...

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He had the Time of His Life

March 07, 1983

In the season finale, Eamonn Coghlan lowered his indoor Mile world record to 3:49.78: "All I could think of was my coach Gerry Farnan and my father. I was saying, hey, this is for you guys."

By Craig Neff, Sports Illustrated

Eamonn Coghlan lay in his New Jersey hotel room early last Sunday...

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