Mile News

2012 National Run a Mile Days Kick Off May 6

May 04, 2012

For week long 5th edition, the “Be a Miler” campaign also honors Roger Bannister, the first man to break 4 minutes for the Mile

BETHESDA, Md. – (May 4, 2012) – The American Running Association’s public outreach campaign, National Run a Mile Days, is slated to kick-off throughout the week of May 6-12, 2012 the Maryland-based nonprofit organization has announced. The campaign’s call or mantra for the 5th annual public outreach is “Be a Miler”.

The “Be a Miler” focus is to get more children motivated and enthused to run; not just to run the Mile, but to kickstart a fitness plan. In addition, ARA, with the Bring Back the Mile campaign and others, will promote efforts to make the “Mile” the standard mid-distance race in high school and college track and field, replacing the 1600m (high school) and 1500m (college).

“ARA is hosting and sponsoring 25 school and community sites across the country during the May 6-12 week,” announced ARA’s Executive Director Dave Watt. “We are led by our largest group host in Gig Harbor and Tacoma Washington’s schools where more than 8,500 students are slated to run the Mile.”

Dr. Pat Hogan is the catalyst in that region, as he was inspired when he heard about the Mile Days program 3 years ago at ARA’s Sports Medicine Symposium at the Boston Marathon. Dr. Hogan has more than 10 schools hosting Mile Days events where every student in the school will walk-run or run the Mile.

“Dr. Pat Hogan shows all of us that one committed person can rally a city and schools districts to get serious about increasing the physical activity and fitness of our youth,” added ARA’s Executive Director.

For the 5th edition, ARA has secured 25-plus hosts that have more than 18,000 elementary, middle school and high school students running the Mile during National Run a Mile Days. Host schools, running clubs and communities are encouraged to incorporate the “Miler” event into their PE class planners as well as community events.

“Running the Mile should be the measure of fitness for all youth. The Mile is what we teach for pacing and it’s our country’s standard measure of distance traveled”, added Watt.

Participating schools and organizations include elementary, middle and high schools, track clubs and community organizations. ARA and our partner Youth Runner Magazine will post stories and photos from multiple event sites across the U.S.

All national host sites will be featured with results and photos on the as well as the American Running Association (ARA) and Youth Runner Magazine websites: and

May 6th is the 58th anniversary date of the world’s first sub-4 minute Mile by Roger Bannister who showed the world in 1954 that the 4 minute Mile was not an impossible barrier. To this day the sub-4 minute Mile is a cherished achievement by male runners worldwide.

ARA honors Sir Roger Bannister’s achievement on Run a Mile Days. His tenacity and commitment to challenge a perceived impenetrable barrier can be a lesson for anyone facing a seemingly out-of-reach goal.

Visit for more information.

Tags: national run a mile days (3) , bbtm news (208) , america running association (1)

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