Age Group Mile Ace: Jeanne Daprano

Middle-distance ace uses strength training to keep setting records.
By Mike Tymn, Running Times
On July 21, 2012, Jeanne Daprano clocked 6:58.44 at the USATF Masters West Region Track & Field Championships in Pasadena, Calif., breaking the listed women's 75-79 Mile record by 49 seconds. "It was something that I felt was possible, but I wasn't really focused on breaking 7 minutes," says Daprano, who'd already set a pending record of 7:13.32 the previous month at the Carolina Classic Championships and who holds the women's world Mile record of 6:47.91 in the 70-74 age division.
Daprano (see our 2007 profile) began adding to her world record collection after turning 75 last September when she ran a 1:20.59 400m and a 3:07.35 800m in October. Then, at the March USA Masters Indoor Championships, she set indoor world records at 400m (1:21.28), 800m (3:18.48) and the Mile (7:13.51), while also setting an American record in the 200m (36.53).
Daprano didn't get into competitive running until age 45 and didn't get serious about it until after turning 50. Her best Mile (5:29.39) was recorded during 1987 at age 50.
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