How to Run Your First Mile

The goal for everyone is to get to the finish line.
By New York Road Runners
One Mile: The distance of the race is 5,280 feet, 1609 meters, or roughly 20 standard New York City Blocks. At one time or another you have likely missed your bus, subway, or taxi, and had to walk (or even jog) to work or to the next station. Now think about getting to do this downhill (instead of the uphill to work) on Fifth Avenue.
Training Can Start the Week of: With a race that is one Mile long, you have the ability to get a few runs and cross-training days in within a few weeks before the start, maybe even the week of. The distance may seem like forever from the starting line, but cheering fans, friends, and family will be the true power that will get you to the finish line.
Don’t Sprint at the Start: Most people run out of gas by the half-way point of the race because they sprint to start out. Remember to take your time and enjoy yourself. If you are shooting for a personal record (PR in runner lingo), remember there is a slight hill going up to half-way, but then it is all downhill from there (literally!).
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