Mile News

Malone Eyes Old Millrose Mile Mark

January 14, 2013

By Doug Binder, Armory Track

Ben Malone not only wanted to make the Millrose Games Mile but do something special when he gets there.

Malone, who set the high school track world aflame last year when he dipped under 1:50 indoors and won the New Balance Indoor Nationals 800, said he'd like to break the long-standing Millrose Games high school Mile record. Kevin Byrne of Paramus Catholic (N.J.) ran 4:08.0 in 1977 and nobody has run faster since.

On Wednesday, Malone of Pascack Valley, N.J., kicked to the lead with 200 left and sped away to win in 4:17.89.

"I'm good friends with Kevin Byrne and friends with his son. (Kevin) ran against my dad," Malone said.

That personal connection to the record-holder could serve as motivation over the next month.

Is he ready to chase after the 36-year-old mark?

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Tags: millrose games (69) , kevin byrne (2) , ben malone (5)

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