Mile News

State of California Physical Fitness Test Includes Mile Run

October 25, 2013

Mile part of aerobic capacity, one of six fitness areas developed by the renowned The Cooper Institute

The State Board of Education (SBE) designated the FITNESSGRAM® as the Physical Fitness Test (PFT) for students in California public schools. The FITNESSGRAM® is a comprehensive, health-related physical fitness battery developed by The Cooper Institute. The primary goal of the FITNESSGRAM® is to assist students in establishing lifetime habits of regular physical activity.

Public school students in grades five, seven, and nine are required to take the PFT, whether or not they are enrolled in a physical education class or participate in a block schedule. These students include those enrolled in elementary, high, and unified school districts, county offices of education, and charter schools. School districts should also test all students in alternate programs, including, but not limited to, continuation schools, independent study, community day schools, county community schools, and nonpublic schools. Students who are physically unable to take the entire test battery are to be given as much of the test as conditions permit. (Education Code (EC) Section 60800 and the California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Section 1041).

The FITNESSGRAM® is composed of the following six fitness areas, with a number of test options provided for most areas:

Aerobic Capacity

  • PACER (Progressive Aerobic Cardiovascular Endurance Run)
  • Mile Run
  • Walk Test (only for ages 13 or older)

Continue reading at:

California students fall short on physical fitness test, San Bernardino County Sun, Oct 23, 2013

Tags: fitnesssgram (1)

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