Top 5 Reasons to Run (only!) One Mile

"Great stories are everywhere - ask people why they are running the Mile."
By Rose Scovel, Indianapolis Monumental Blog
I am a distance runner. I didn't start running until I was 32 and started racing with a 3 Mile race. I have trained for, and run, three full marathons and 48 half-marathons in the past seven years. Why would I race only one Mile? While I admire track meets and like watching them on TV and recently attended one night of the Drake Relays live, I still sometimes think, "Why would I race only a Mile?" Well, there's a few good reasons:
- Your Mile run time is a baseline for so many things. You can use it to determine the equivalent effort for other distances. You can use it as a benchmark for improvement with fewer variables than longer distances.
- It's usually on a week day evening. Before you say that makes it "too hard" - it means you can do a legit race during the week and still race long on Saturday (or sleep in). It's an excuse to party after your race - who doesn't love excuses to make Thursday night fun?
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