Treniere Moser Teams Up with Alberto Salazar

Three-time USA 1500 champ seeks return to top form.
By Peter Gambaccini, Runner's World
Treniere Moser, the USA 1500 meter champion from 2005 to 2007, came into the 2012 U.S. Olympic Trials needing an Olympic ”A” standard and a top three finish to earn a trip to London. “It was a little daunting,” she remembers. “In the final, I got together with Brenda Martinez and we decided to try and take it out to make it a decent honest-paced race. But after three rounds, and the emotional rollercoaster of the Trials, it’s just hard to keep that pace going. I went for it and it just didn’t work out." She finished 11th.
Moser, the former Treniere Clement, was 30 (and now 31), with a terribly stalled middle-distance career. She’d run 4:03.42 for the 1500 in 2006, but from 2009 to 2011 she was stuck in the 4:07 zone. After that, Moser, admits, “I wasn’t sure what I was going to do, if I wanted to continue running or not. Life kind of evolved. My husband, Paul, ended up getting a job in Portland. I felt I’d go to Portland and see what happened, and literally, as soon as I moved here, Alberto Salazar approached me.”
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