Mile News

Beats, Rhymes and Spikes with Andrew Wheating

April 11, 2015

Ever gone out for a casual run and listened to something you've regretted? You're not alone. Sub-3:52 Miler and two-time Olympian Andrew Wheating gives us his guide of what NOT to listen to while running.

By Spikes powered by IAAF

1. Stand Up Comedy
“I love listening to stand up comedy and...

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Leah O’Connor talks success, training and her last season racing as a Spartan

April 09, 2015

"My goal is the same as always: healthy, happy, fast. Except it’s my last go around in a Michigan State uniform, so I am going to soak it all up more than ever."

By Giovanni Reyes, FloTrack

After a few Championship wins over the past 3 seasons - including a title and meet record at the 2015...

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Masters Champion, 80, Breaks All the Rules and Still Wins

April 09, 2015

Frank Haviland, back to racing after a 13-year hiatus, follows unconventional training.

By Marc Bloom, Running Times

Athlete: Frank Haviland
Age: 80
Residence: Wall Township, NJ
Career: Retired teacher, home construction
Family: Married, two children, three grandchildren

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Getting to Know: Jake Hurysz, CU Mile record holder

April 08, 2015

"The goal was to break 4 minutes. The difference between 3:58.13 and 3:59.99 is pretty big, so it felt good to run a really fast time."

By Jake Wilkes,

Tell us about your background. How was your high school experience? What influenced you to get involved in running?

Jake: My...

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Bring Back the Mile to celebrate the storied distance and to recognize the people who made and make the Mile great and to promote Mile events and the next generation of U.S. Milers.

Bring Back the Mile to create a national movement for the Mile as America’s Distance,
to inspire Americans to run the Mile as part of their fitness program and to replace the 1600 meters at High School State Track & Field Meets across the country.

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