November 24, 2014
"I outgrew them, I outlived them. I had no competition there so I started looking at the world records and I thought 'Maybe I can do that.'"
By Mia Watkins,
Runners at CrossPoint's Church's 13th annual 5K gathered around post-race to listen to the wise words of a special guest,...
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November 18, 2014
George Dole remembers the announcer giving the time for the race, and when he started saying the time as "three minutes..."...people started cheering so loudly they couldn't hear the rest of the number.
From WCSH6 NewsCenter, Portland, Maine
On May 6, 1954, a young man from Maine became part...
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November 17, 2014
“I think as a human being, as a mother, as someone who works internationally, I needed desperately to know a man like Louis Zamperini in my life, to know that there is hope.” – director Angelina Jolie
By Tom Peck, The Independent
It is only in retrospect that the unconnected events of a life...
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November 15, 2014
De Villiers Lamprecht clocks 3:59.7 on November 13, 1964; 16th country overall with a sub-4
By Alec Basson, Stellenbosch University
It has been 50 years since former Matie athlete De Villiers Lamprecht on November 13, 1964 became the first South African (16th country) to run a dream Mile,...
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