Mile News

The Mile Interview Series: Steve Holman

May 14, 2014

Bring Back the Mile's 2014 interview series, presented by HOKA ONE ONE, sits down with 1990s Mile ace Steve Holman. A prep standout in the state of Minnesota, Holman had a HS Mile best of 4:09.26 (converted from a 4:07.62 1600 meters) in 1988, as a senior at Richfield High School, a year that he...

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Bjorkquist is honored 70 years after win

May 13, 2014

"I always wanted to do something. I know I could run because I ran all through the Depression.”

By George Artsitas, The World

COOS BAY — The state’s oldest track meet kicked off by recognizing one of its oldest champions.

The 106th Coos County Meet opened up by honoring 87-year-old Rudy...

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Lessons from Roger Bannister and the first sub-4 minute Mile

May 13, 2014

To go fast, you must plan ahead

By Michael Overall, Tulsa World

With the starter pistol still echoing through the Oxford stadium, Cambridge runner Chris Brasher jumped to an early lead, but he had no intention of winning the race.

A 25-year-old medical student, Roger Bannister, followed...

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Athletics Weekly Readers Vote Sebastian Coe as the Leading Miler of All-Time

May 12, 2014

Sebastian Coe has been voted the greatest ever Supermiler by readers of Athletics Weekly.

By Jessica Whittington, Athletics Weekly

In a poll run to coincide with the 60th anniversary of Roger Bannister’s first ever sub-4 minute Mile on May 6, Sebastian Coe received an impressive 40% of the...

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Return the Mile to prominence on the American & worldwide sports and cultural landscape by elevating and celebrating the Mile to create a movement.

Bring Back the Mile as the premier event in the sport, and increase interest in and media coverage of the Mile for both those who love the distance as well as the general public.

Bring Back the Mile to celebrate the storied distance and to recognize the people who made and make the Mile great and to promote Mile events and the next generation of U.S. Milers.

Bring Back the Mile to create a national movement for the Mile as America’s Distance,
to inspire Americans to run the Mile as part of their fitness program and to replace the 1600 meters at High School State Track & Field Meets across the country.

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