Mile News

Leading Men: Bill Bowerman & Steve Prefontaine

April 02, 2006

At their first goal-setting session, Prefontaine announced to Bowerman that it was great that Bill was the finest coach of Milers, because that was the race he wanted to ultimately rule. Bowerman asked how fast he hoped to run. Pre said, “3:48.”

By Kenny Moore, Runner’s World, April 2006


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Bannister’s Sub-4 Minute Mile Named Greatest Athletic Achievement

November 18, 2005

For Forbes' panel of experts, editors and readers, one feat did emerge as a clear winner: the first sub-4 by Roger Bannister in 1954

By David M. Ewalt with Lacey Rose,

At their best, sports are about more than just winning games and diverting crowds. They test the limits of what...

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Bowden passed test with first U.S. sub-4:00 Mile

September 06, 2005

My coach, the legendary Brutus Hamilton, said, "Let's give it a try and see if you can do it."

By Paula Parrish, Special to The Record

His face, when he crossed the finish line 48 years ago, could have come straight out of "Happy Days." Even when he was straining on his last steps to become...

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A tribute to the career of Gunder Hägg

November 28, 2004

Swedish running legend set the Mile world record three times and with countryman Arne Andersson, the duo approached the "magic" sub-4 minute mark

By Lennart Julin for the IAAF

Renowned Swedish Athletics historian and statistican Lennart Julin gives his own personal tribute to the life and...

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