Mile News

Miling to the Beat of a Different Drummer

July 10, 2000

"It is difficult for me to understand some of the things Gabe does... What a terrible thing it would be for anyone to temper those dreams."

By John Walters, Sports Illustrated

Even his birth was extraordinary. Gabe Jennings was born inside a teacherage–a house connected to a school–in a...

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A New Record—By A Mile: El Guerrouj Shatters Mark

July 19, 1999

The mind-boggling record came in a real race, one that was not decided until the final strides; also 16 men overall go sub-4

By Merrell Noden, Sports Illustrated

As hard as it is to imagine a man running a Mile in 3 minutes, 43.13 seconds, the shock in Rome's Stadio Olimpico on Wednesday,...

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Four Minutes of Fame

August 11, 1997

Remembering Don Bowden's U.S. milestone

By Brad Herzog, Sports Illustrated

When Roger Bannister first ran the Mile in less than 4 minutes, on May 6, 1954, he was hailed the next morning by The New York Times as having achieved "one of man's hitherto unattainable goals." The 4 minute barrier...

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Master of the Mile

October 28, 1996

Steve Scott, now 40 and a cancer survivor, plans to break 4 minutes again

By John Walters, Sports Illustrated

Steve Scott stands at the starting line on the track at the University of Oregon's Hayward Field, in Eugene, on May 26, 1996. He has 4 minutes to prove to himself that he is immortal....

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Bring Back the Mile as the premier event in the sport, and increase interest in and media coverage of the Mile for both those who love the distance as well as the general public.

Bring Back the Mile to celebrate the storied distance and to recognize the people who made and make the Mile great and to promote Mile events and the next generation of U.S. Milers.

Bring Back the Mile to create a national movement for the Mile as America’s Distance,
to inspire Americans to run the Mile as part of their fitness program and to replace the 1600 meters at High School State Track & Field Meets across the country.

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