Mile News

Dick Buerkle, Miler

January 21, 2002

By Kristin Green Morse, Sports Illustrated

Dick Buerkle loved Oreos and peanut butter so much that he devoured nine of the cookies and two PB&J sandwiches a few hours before a race on Jan. 13, 1978. The unorthodox carbo loading worked: That night Buerkle broke the indoor world record in the...

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Rough Run

January 14, 2002

Illness robbed Debbie Heald of chance at Olympic Glory

By Diane Pucin, Los Angeles Times

Debbie Heald will carry the Olympic torch Tuesday. Once, she expected to carry an Olympic medal.

Once, Debbie Heald set the world record. She was 16, a junior at Neff High in La Mirada in her first...

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Flyin’ Past Ryun

June 01, 2001

Astounding high schooler Alan Webb smashed Jim Ryun's 36-year-old high school record for the Mile at storied Hayward Field

By Tim Layden, Sports Illustrated

There was little doubt that high school senior Alan Webb had arrived in Eugene, Ore. for Sunday's Prefontaine Classic physically ready...

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Ready to Rock High Schoolers: Alan Webb & Dathan Ritzenhein

May 28, 2001

"It's great to write and read about these young guys now, but if you want to read about them in five or six years, my advice would be: Treat them gently."- coach Mark Wetmore

By Tim Layden, Sports Illustrated

Two high school runners. One is a pure Miler named Jim Ryun, a slender junior from...

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