Mile News Tagged Indoor World Record

Now, if Tom O’Hara really tries…

March 16, 1964

In Chicago last week Tom O'Hara bettered his own indoor Mile world record with a stirring run

By Tom C. Brody, Sports Illustrated

Tom O'Hara is a shy, unassuming fellow whose most outrageous boast is a claim that he weighs 131 pounds. He has broken the world record for the indoor Mile twice...

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From humdrum to well-done in one easy Mile

February 24, 1964

An ordinary winter on the boards changed to one of excitement and anticipation when Tom O'Hara shattered the world record in New York City

By Robert Creamer, Sports Illustrated

Tom O'Hara took five seconds less than a minute last week to turn what had been a rather humdrum indoor track &...

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History on The Boards

February 19, 1962

The starter's gun in Los Angeles sends off Jim Beatty on the fastest indoor Mile ever run. The field from the pole: Tabori, Beatty, Grelle, Close, Martin

By Tex Maule, Sports Illustrated

Murray Halberg, an almost painfully thin New Zealander with cool light-blue eyes under pale bushy...

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Ron takes a turn for the better

March 16, 1959

"These compliments are very good for a runner. It is what we run for. You know?"

By Tex Maule, Sports Illustrated

Coming into the last turn of Madison Square Garden's 11-lap track, the skinny blond runner had the pole. At his right shoulder and a step behind, Ron Delany matched Istvan...

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The Riotous Wanamaker Mile

February 14, 1955

Gunnar Nielsen won the famed Mile and set a world record of 4:03.6 in doing it, but hardly anyone noticed, for behind the Dane, Wes Santee and Fred Dwyer were wrestling each other down the stretch

By Robert Creamer, Sports Illustrated

NEW YORK - There are those who say it was the best running...

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The Subway Miler: Leslie MacMitchell

July 01, 1942

Leslie’s time drew a thunderous cheer. It was 4:07.4, tying the world’s record time... He was king of the Milers at 20!

By Roger Birtwell, Esquire

Running is a country boy’s game. Ask any track coach what type of material he prefers. “Give me kids from the country,” he’ll say. He wants...

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