Park City senior Ben Saarel wins adidas Dream Mile against nation’s best

Greatest middle-distance and distance runner ever to come out of Utah produces 56 second final lap in New York City
By Doug Robinson, Deseret News
Ben Saarel, a senior at Park City High, capped off perhaps the greatest season ever produced by a Utah track and field athlete Saturday afternoon by winning the adidas High School Dream Mile in New York City.
Running against the fastest prep Milers in the country in the adidas Grand Prix meet, Saarel came from behind to win with a time of 4:02.72 in windy conditions. That makes him the fastest miler in Utah history. According to some observers, Saarel might well have become thesixth U.S. high school athlete in history to run a sub-4 minute Mile if not for poor weather conditions, which reportedly included 25-mile-an-hour gusts of wind.
This caps a remarkable season in which Saarel became the top middle distance/distance runner in the nation, going unbeaten in the 800, 1600 and 3200 meter runs and winning races against the nation’s best in the Dream Mile, Mt. SAC Relays and the Arcadia Invitational. He also can now be called the greatest middle-distance and distance runner ever to come out of Utah after doing the following:
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