August 11, 2015
“I just tried to keep up with the guys early on... When we turned the final turn of the race and saw the clock, I realized I had a shot at the record.”
By Robert Minor, Dallas Post
Going into the Jack Daniels Mile foot race on Aug. 6, Ben Robinson had ideas of possibly breaking the course...
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August 11, 2015
“I’ll always remember Jane’s energy and generosity. It is a lot of work to put on a race and she always pulled it off with a smile,” McCullough said. “She gave a lot of herself, her time and money to put these races and other events on and we hope we are doing them justice.”
From Stephen...
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August 11, 2015
In Gothenburg 40 years ago, Mile legend Walker had to front-run it, as he suspected would happen anyway, "but I didn't bargain running as much on my own".
By David Leggat, New Zealand Herald
Of the big three, it's the performance that tends to slip the mind. To a point you understand why,...
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August 11, 2015
While the meet set plenty of notable stats and records, the goal to bring Raleigh into the track scene also succeeded, as a record crowd was on hand to watch the event.
From NC State
In just three years, the Sir Walter Miler has exploded onto the national track scene as well as the Raleigh...
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