Mile News

How Many Medals Can the U.S. Middle Distance Women Win in Beijing?

July 22, 2015

Rivalries aside, the 2015 World Championships and 2016 Rio Olympics will be a thrill for fans of American middle distances.

By Meg Bellino, FloTrack

By now you’ve already seen or heard about Shannon Rowbury’s 1500m American record. If you didn’t, it came during a race where Ethiopia’s Genzebe...

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Gulf Winds serves Breakfast on the Track

July 22, 2015

The runners are heroic just to finish the four laps around the track (plus 9.34 meters). Fast or slow, going for records or just trying to go the distance, they’ll all be running a Mile.

By Herb Wills, Tallahassee Democrat

Gulf Winds Track Club hosts its 18th “Breakfast on the Track” one-Mile...

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Kids get competitive at the Marion Mile

July 22, 2015

“I only want to beat the boys because they tease the girls for being slow."

By Sara Lafrance, Sippican Week

“No high fives!” shouted a 7-year-old runner as he crossed the finish line. “This is serious!”

To some, the Marion Mile is much more than a race. It was started in 2002 by Chris...

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Personal Bests: Jenny Simpson

July 22, 2015

"Whether that was more through luck than any technical prowess I don’t know, but I looked like a seasoned 1500m runner, even though I probably had no idea what I was doing."

From Steve Landells, IAAF

Reigning 1500m Diamond Race winner Jenny Simpson recently clocked a season’s best of 3:57.30...

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Bring Back the Mile to celebrate the storied distance and to recognize the people who made and make the Mile great and to promote Mile events and the next generation of U.S. Milers.

Bring Back the Mile to create a national movement for the Mile as America’s Distance,
to inspire Americans to run the Mile as part of their fitness program and to replace the 1600 meters at High School State Track & Field Meets across the country.

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