Mile News

Sir Walter Miler 2015 set for Friday, August 7

May 08, 2015

Second edition will feature a one-of-kind “North Carolina vs. The World” Mile; also "Pop Up Miles” will take place Tuesdays in June

From Sir Walter Running

Three months from today, the Sir Walter Miler will ride again. The 2015 edition of the Sir Walter Miler will take place on Friday, August...

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Sebastian Coe Once Again in Global Race

May 08, 2015

Coe, like Sergei Bubka, has big plans if he wins the IAAF presidency...

By Christopher Clarey, New York Times

The middle-distance star has become a marathoner.

Sebastian Coe, Mile legend, traversed plenty of time zones in his competitive running days, but that is nothing compared with what...

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Pro Q & A with Rebecca Addison

May 07, 2015

Rebecca Addison, a University of Michigan graduate, will make her road Mile debut at the Medtronic TC 1 Mile on thursday evening, May 14. Recently, we asked Addison some questions about her running and learned that one of her goals is to run as fast as her mother did!

From Twin Cities In Motion... Read More comments

Kyle Merber reflects on the Distance Medley Relay World Record

May 07, 2015

"You are patriots! Trying to serve your country in a way that a lot of people won’t understand until they finally see the U-S-A on your chest! Then…they will get it."

By Kyle Merber

It was one of the first days of practice in October, and we were huddled inside the shed at Rutgers University...

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