Mile News

Mary Cain’s World Champs Chances Just Improved

June 11, 2013

Top 1500 meter rival Brenda Martinez will focus on 800 at USA Outdoor Championships in Des Moines

By Peter Gambaccini, Runner's World

Yesterday, Brenda Martinez composed the tweet heard 'round the American women’s middle-distance running world: “After speaking it over with my coaches. Decided...

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The Dual: Should Mary Cain Go Pro?

June 10, 2013

The Dual is a two-person discussion about issues surrounding the world of running and track and field.  This week, Jesse and Kevin topic discuss whether distance prodigy Mary Cain should run professionally or compete in college.

By Kevin Sully, Daily Relay


Disclaimer: First, I think...

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The Return of the Kings: Coe, Ovett and Cram at Bislett

June 10, 2013

By IAAF Diamond League

The “British kings of middle distance” will collectively return to Oslo for the first time in nearly a quarter of a century when they gather in Oslo to celebrate the Exxon Mobil Bislett Games on Thursday, June 13. In the late 70s and early 80s Seb Coe, Steve Ovett and...

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Sub-4 Minutes Old Hat for Brannen

June 10, 2013

By Bill Doucet, The Record

In 1954, Roger Bannister became the first man to run a sub-4 minute Mile.

Nathan Brannen accomplished the same feat 47 years later as a high schooler – only the seventh to do so at such a young age – just beating the barrier with a time of 3:59.85.

Since that day...

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