Mile News

‘Solution’ reached on cauldron lighter

July 21, 2012

By Rod Harris, Associated Press

LONDON -- The decision-makers finally have an answer to the question of who will light the Olympic cauldron at Friday's opening ceremony.

Steve Redgrave? Daley Thompson? Kelly Holmes? Roger Bannister?

Don't ask, because they're not saying.

"There is a...

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Back to Brasschaat - The five year anniversary of Alan Webb’s American record

July 21, 2012

By Kevin Liao, Flotrack

Five years ago today, Alan Webb shattered the U.S. record in the Mile, running 3:46.91 to shatter Steve Scott's mark that stood for 25 years. We return to the site of the race, Brasschaat, Belgium, to relive that special moment in American track & field history.


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Anne Arundel running star to compete at London Games

July 20, 2012

'Centro-nation' signs pop up in Arnold for Matthew Centrowitz


ARNOLD, Md. - A star runner from Anne Arundel County will make his Olympic debut next month -- and his mother can't wait.

Matthew Centrowitz, 22, will be compete in the 1500-m track and field event on Aug. 3 with...

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Olympian Simpson says Faith is Antidote at Start of Race

July 20, 2012

By Katie Neff, Athletes in Action

“I feel like that’s the most vulnerable place for me, on the starting line of a race, because you’re out there, everyone’s there watching, and you have a lot to prove in that moment,” says Jenny Simpson, discussing the pressure she faces at the start of every...

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Bring Back the Mile to create a national movement for the Mile as America’s Distance,
to inspire Americans to run the Mile as part of their fitness program and to replace the 1600 meters at High School State Track & Field Meets across the country.

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