Mile News

London 2012 Olympics: The British Miler, episode 11

July 19, 2012

By Telegraph Sport

In the final of our exclusive videos tracking three British 1500m athletes in their attempt to qualify for London 2012, we hear about the joy and the heartache of those who made the cut and those who didn't.

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Sir Roger Bannister missed out in Helsinki

July 18, 2012

Bikash Mohapatra digs out some of the biggest names in sport who failed to leave a mark on the Olympics.


The Olympics is a great leveler.

While on the one hand we witness athletes rising from relative anonymity to create history, on the other there are eminent athletes who...

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Mary Cain sets U.S. high school 1500 mark at world junior meet

July 16, 2012

Bronxville runner earns sixth place with a finish of 4:11.01

By The Journal News

Bronxville track star Mary Cain continued to shine Sunday at the International Association of Athletics Federations World Junior Championships in Barcelona, Spain, setting another United States record in the...

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Coe-d of honour: Steve Ovett breaks silence on famous rivalry with Lord Seb

July 16, 2012

More than 20 years on, Ovett reveals what he REALLY thinks about a man he says was his toughest opponent because he was “bullet-proof”

By Mike Walters, The Daily Mirror

So much for deadly rivals – Steve Ovett says Sebastian Coe was his toughest opponent because he was “bullet-proof”.


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