Mile News

The Ryun vs. Liquori Duels

December 08, 2009

Mile legends & Olympians, the Ali-Frazier of the track world, produced some epic races vs. each other

By Villanova Running

So far as I am aware, Marty Liquori and Jim Ryun raced each other a total of eight times. Ryun won the first four races. The fifth race -- the 1969 NCAA Indoor...

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After the Fall

October 01, 2009

Many remember Zola Budd as the barefoot prodigy who broke world records, became a symbol of South Africa's oppression, and was blamed for Mary Decker's Olympic nightmare, but her story has more heartbreak, more hard-fought redemption and considerably more weirdness than the legend.

By Steve...

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High School Athletes Chase Sub-4-Minute Mile

June 24, 2009

By Tom Goldman, National Public Radio

In sport, no matter how much athletes evolve, there are achievements that remain elusive — if not unattainable. Examples include Joe DiMaggio getting a hit in 56 consecutive baseball games, or basketball star Wilt Chamberlain scoring 100 points.

In track...

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Forgotten Stories of Courage & Inspiration: Glenn Cunningham

June 12, 2009

“It hurt like thunder to walk, but it didn't hurt at all when I ran. So for five or six years, about all I did was run.”

By Leroy Watson Jr., Bleacher Report

It was another bitterly cold morning in Everetts, Kansas, a rural farming town like so many hundreds of communities throughout the...

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