Mile News

Record-breaker Shannon Rowbury

December 01, 2015

“I know it motivates me to perform better and I would imagine it does the same for her.” – Rowbury on her rivalry with fellow ace American Miler Jenny Simpson

By Alex Mills, Athletics Weekly

With less than a year to go until Rio 2016, the women’s 1500m is set to be one of the stand-out...

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Why you should run a Mile instead of a marathon

November 30, 2015

Research shows that running fast and hard for just five to 10 minutes a day can add years to your life.

By Erin Brodwin, Business Insider

So you swore you'd run a marathon this year.

Good news: You can stop feeling guilty about not starting to train for it yet.

As it turns out, you can...

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Creating an Active School from the Top Down

November 27, 2015

Townville Elementary School's fitness program includes 100 Mile Club, where students run laps during recess or before school throughout the year, earning tokens for each Mile they complete!

From Let’s Move! Active Schools

Let’s Move! Active Schools is powered by a national collaborative of...

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Peter Elliott: Man of Steel

November 24, 2015

“Coe, Ovett and Cram are legends of the sport so to have won medals in that era and to be considered part of it is a privilege." -  Peter Elliott, 1988 Olympic 1500 silver medalist and sub-3:50 Miler

From Athletics Weekly

“Unfortunately I don’t run anymore,” explains Peter Elliott, one of...

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Return the Mile to prominence on the American & worldwide sports and cultural landscape by elevating and celebrating the Mile to create a movement.

Bring Back the Mile as the premier event in the sport, and increase interest in and media coverage of the Mile for both those who love the distance as well as the general public.

Bring Back the Mile to celebrate the storied distance and to recognize the people who made and make the Mile great and to promote Mile events and the next generation of U.S. Milers.

Bring Back the Mile to create a national movement for the Mile as America’s Distance,
to inspire Americans to run the Mile as part of their fitness program and to replace the 1600 meters at High School State Track & Field Meets across the country.

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