July 31, 2014
I feel him now among us, young again, his strong legs reaching and pushing, his great lungs drawing in the sweet air, his grand, bounding heart beating, beating, beating. Listen. You can hear his laughter.
By Daily Breeze
Eulogy for Louis Zamperini written by Laura Hillenbrand, the author of...
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July 31, 2014
GNC Live Well Liberty Mile attracts top U.S. field including Leo Manzano and defending champion Heather Kampf
By Alex Nieves, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Steve Prefontaine, Roger Bannister, Mary Decker. If you were to stop an adult on the streets of an American city, these names would likely...
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July 30, 2014
Bring Back the Mile Featured Event; both fields compete for a $4000 guaranteed prize purse
From Sir Walter Miler
RALEIGH, N.C. – The fields are set for the Sir Walter Miler this Friday night, August 1st, at the Meredith College Track. The night includes three mile races and a pre and post...
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July 29, 2014
Running 5-10 minutes daily can reduce risk of cardiovascular disease-related death; runners who ran less than an hour per week have the same mortality benefits compared to runners who ran more than three hours per week
From American College of Cardiology
Running for only a few minutes a day...
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