Mile News

Kiwi Miler Nick Willis shakes things up for IAAF World Championships

August 24, 2015

The Olympic silver medalist will toe the line against what is perhaps the best 1500m field ever assembled for a major event beginning on Thursday, August 27.

By Marc Hinton, Stuff

You're never too old to change things up. Maybe even roll the dice a little. Just ask Nick Willis who at 32 years...

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Steps to Beijing Episode 4 ft. IAAF World Championship bound Jenny Simpson

August 24, 2015

"Really believe in race visualization because I think training the mind is equally important, if not more important, when it comes to being on that edge against the best in the world." -Jenny Simpson

From New Balance Running

Some say the only thing better than winning is losing...and then...

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West Lafayette HS cross country success started with one Mile

August 24, 2015

Coach Custer is an advocate for having children begin running the Mile in the fourth grade to show that running can be fun. "For the most part, they are pretty prepared when they get to high school." 

By Sam King, JC Online

West Lafayette's epic rise to becoming the best distance running...

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At the Michigan Mile, new winners, repeat champions and Flint first-timers

August 23, 2015

“Wow. This is a big deal. The city here is really behind this event." – Colby Alexander, Men’s Open champion

By Aaron McMann, M Live

Tammy Nowik was caught off guard as she crossed the finish line Friday night.

The 41-year-old from Clarkston said she hadn't run a Mile since junior high yet...

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Bring Back the Mile to celebrate the storied distance and to recognize the people who made and make the Mile great and to promote Mile events and the next generation of U.S. Milers.

Bring Back the Mile to create a national movement for the Mile as America’s Distance,
to inspire Americans to run the Mile as part of their fitness program and to replace the 1600 meters at High School State Track & Field Meets across the country.

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