Mile News

The New Herb Elliott

May 30, 1960

Australia's superb Miler may still be the best in the world, but he has lost his fierce dedication. Now he faces the challenge of Oregon's Dyrol Burleson, who is still hungry

By Tex Maule, Sports Illustrated

Two years ago a grim, young, hawk-nosed Australian named Herb Elliott was the talk...

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Ron takes a turn for the better

March 16, 1959

"These compliments are very good for a runner. It is what we run for. You know?"

By Tex Maule, Sports Illustrated

Coming into the last turn of Madison Square Garden's 11-lap track, the skinny blond runner had the pole. At his right shoulder and a step behind, Ron Delany matched Istvan...

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The Amazing Herb Elliott

November 10, 1958

Led by a fanatic and driven by private furies, Australia's fantastic Miler finds solace and satisfaction in pushing himself beyond endurance: "All I want to do is win."

By Don Connery, Sports Illustrated

On a primeval, wind-swept beach at Portsea, a curling tongue of scruffy Cape Cod land 60...

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Four of Them Made History

July 29, 1957

"It was a fabulous race, a pleasure to run in. I shall dream about it for years."

By John Lovesey, Sports Illustrated

The six straining runners at the top of this page (there are really seven) are Mike Blagrove, an Englishman; Stanislav Jungwirth, a Czech; Derek Ibbotson, English; Ron Delany,...

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