June 22, 1964
Loyola's Tom O'Hara can clock a Mile in less than 4 minutes, and for hours without a halt. Hardly anybody is able to catch up with him—until he stops. Then his rampaging doubts do.
By John Underwood, Sports Illustrated
A Mile runner does not run a Mile, he bombards it with logic. He plots it,...
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March 16, 1964
In Chicago last week Tom O'Hara bettered his own indoor Mile world record with a stirring run
By Tom C. Brody, Sports Illustrated
Tom O'Hara is a shy, unassuming fellow whose most outrageous boast is a claim that he weighs 131 pounds. He has broken the world record for the indoor Mile twice...
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February 24, 1964
An ordinary winter on the boards changed to one of excitement and anticipation when Tom O'Hara shattered the world record in New York City
By Robert Creamer, Sports Illustrated
Tom O'Hara took five seconds less than a minute last week to turn what had been a rather humdrum indoor track &...
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September 03, 1962
"Everybody said the American runner is lazy, don't work. Now the American distance runner is the best in the vorld."
By John Lovesey, Sports Illustrated
Getting to the top these days is not so much a climb for mountaineers as it is an exercise in pyramidal logistics. A large expedition,...
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